Dear Stranger,
What is your story?
It doesn't have to have a complicated plot,
I can make do with boring...
Dear Stranger,
What is your favorite song?
And your favorite movie?
Do you ever dance alone?
Or sing?
Do you think you would make a good singer?
Or a teacher?
Or an actor?
What did you want to grow up to be?
Do you believe in ghosts and fairies?
Why do you play Candy crush?
Did you ever fight over candy?
What did you love to play as a child?
Did you ever have imaginary friends?
Did you ever steal your sister's clothes or pull her hair?
What do you like to eat?
Have you ever tripped on your shoe laces?
Are you clumsy?
Do you keep your room squeaky clean?
Do you ever waste time at the last minute?
Are you afraid of a bee?
Do you believe in perfection, are you a perfectionist?
Do you think it helps to be a perfectionist?
Have you ever pulled a prank or made mischief?
Do you think love pays and is worth it?
Have you ever known heartache?
And true happiness?
Do you ever pretend you were in a movie?
Somewhat like a brave protagonist?
Do you think there is an afterlife?
Or a God?
Do you think you're smart? And beautiful?
Can you be mean, like really mean?
Do you think its okay to have dreams?
Do you have any?
Do you have many?
Do you think life just goes on and none of it makes sense?
Do you think life just goes on and all of it makes sense?
What do you think?
Do you think you'd rather not think?
Dear Stranger,
No matter your story...
No matter your scars and fears,
Your faults and regrets,
I think you have one of the warmest smiles,
You know the kind...
That make you happy and sad and hopeful at the same time.
I hope you find enough occasions to smile.
You know, I'd stop by just to watch you for a while.
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